Please go elsewhere with Bristol & Levi comments

There are many bloggers–and, as I’ve seen recently–commenters keenly interested in Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston.

I am not one of them.

I’d appreciate it if you could keep your comments related to the topic of the post on which you’re commenting.

Because nothing I’ve posted relates to Levi/Bristol gossip or snark, no comments about them or their ghostwritings are relevant.

Many other online venues will welcome your opinions about them.

Frankly, I couldn’t care less.

I don’t like to delete comments and I’ve very seldom done so, but fair warning: this is not a site about Bristol and Levi.

They bore me. And I don’t want the comments section to bore others who feel as I do.

Please: if you have to vent about Bristol and/or Levi, do so on one of the many blogs that eagerly report on their latest doings.

But not here.


73 Responses to “Please go elsewhere with Bristol & Levi comments”

  • gypsyrose:

    Thank you Joe. I am interested in sarah being exposed and forced into exile without her millions.
    I agree completely about B & L being boring. The only time either of them of are interest is within the context of sarah and her lies/crimes/hoaxes.

    Stay swell Joe.


  • gypsyrose:

    oops- “are of” not “of are”

  • Enjay in E MT:

    No problem-o from me on that !

  • newmeximan:

    I wasn’t interested in teenage drama when I was a teenager. That has not changed with time nor my age. I understand that for some people it fills a void in their own lives.

  • Beth deris:

    Seems like the Black widow spider struck again. This is just unbelievable.I’d like to go around getting even with the likes of walker, christ, scott and the rest of these dictators, I wonder how long I’d be sitting at home and not in jail if I was Palin. I’m sick but not sick enough that I’ll let these dictators take over our country.

  • KatzKids:

    I agree, thanks Joe!

  • dominicastar:

    I agree but with hesitation. I would note that some of bristol recollection dramatically contradicts some of what’s written in going rouge in fact completely different stories. Her “book” is a good resource for dismantling the lies. I would dismiss it completely, of course in my humble opinion

  • Mary:

    I agree with you, Joe. The only thing that interests me about Bristol’s book is that it does – at least in the case of the excerpts about Meghan and Cindy McCain that I’ve read on the net – seem to serve as a mouthpiece for someone else (cough… Sarah…. cough)!

  • Brad Scharlott:

    As noted, some of what Bristol has purportedly written theoretically could cast light on legitimate questions about her mother. The problem, though, is a researcher can have so little confidence in the truth value of anything under Bristol’s name. So I personally would not invest my time in reading her books. The excerpts I’ve seen have the feel of fiction.

  • JR:

    I am very interested in the patterns of behavior that Sarah exhibits – I find her ability to manipulate completely fascinating. My first WTF moment was when the ethics (board, committee, panel?) found her guilty of violations and when a reporter shouted out a question about it to her as she was getting on the campaign bus, Sarah Palin looked him square in the face and said she was glad to be cleared of all charges. I was floored at her hubris. (Not one person in the media called her out on this blatant lie, which is another topic!) Over the last few years there have been countless examples of her lying and manipulation, and after reading the recent books it is clear she has been successfully doing this for most of her adult life.
    My interest in Bristol is mainly in respect to the family dynamics and how the players deal with these powerful personality traits (disorders) – do they emulate or avoid?

  • grammy97:

    Thank you, Mr. McGinniss. Thank you, Professor Scharlott.

  • pinhead:

    I also remembered that moment. Why didn’t the reporters press the point the first time they caught her in a bold-faced lie like this? The reporter could have corrected her right then by saying, “Actually, you weren’t cleared of all wrongdoing. The report states you abused your power as governor. That DOES NOT mean you were cleared of all wrongdoing.” And go on like that until she pretends not to hear and/or ignores the question and scurries away. A few scenes like that, early on, would have underscored the obvious fact that she is a prodigious liar AND a coward. The media should have kept on her like that from day one and she might have caught on that she wasn’t going to get away with it.

  • Molly:

    I will never understand how the media let her away with that.

  • mea:

    should i know those two people you mention???
    should it matter? are they of any interest?
    thanks for providing a safe haven, mr. mcginniss

  • Mary:

    It’s so typical of the media nowadays. No follow-up questions, false equivalencies galore and “equal time” for everything, including bald-faced lies.

  • Tewise:

    Thank you.

  • CougInPortland:

    Hallelujah! Thanks, Joe!

  • sharon:

    I have palin syndrome and am so freaking burned out on all things palin. Really. I may take a break from the blogs just to regroup. The subject has begun to depress me. I wonder why we’re all frantically typing our thoughts and outrage on blog after blog on every single ridiculous action of this grifter trash? Well, maybe not frantically….:-)….. I’m so disqusted and it is depressing to realize the serious FAIL by MSM and how low the bar is for leadership in our country today. It’s not just the trash from wasilla that bothers me, it’s all of them …any of ’em you put in front of me all these yearrs…… I guess the realization has finally sunk in that many politicians in this country are where they are due to money, favors, lies, hidden agendas and secret backroom deals. Money being the biggest catalyst of their career – and certainly not their own money. I think about the bottom feeders…McCain, for example. His schtick is all about being a war hero and love of country and years of experience and blah, blah, blah…. However, after reading and researching him I came away with a rude awakening. He’s no better then the trash from wasilla. As so many of them are – I think we need to take back our country from THEM and impose term limits, rules of conduct that benefit US – not them..throw their sorry asses out of office when they engage in the secret sexual sideshows and other behavior that screams “pervert”, have the right to recall scum like Walker, force them to allow the citizens of this country to be part of the decision process to start a war – and put it up for a vote. It would be a start in the right direction for “we the people”.

  • VictoriaJ:

    Thanks Joe. The daily perils of the offspring of Palin can be boring beyond belief. And there are indeed other blogs to ruminate on the deadly dull duo.

  • crystalwolfakacaligrl:

    And troopergate!

  • jcinco:

    OMG, you nailed it Sharon. What you say is exactly how I feel. I shouldn’t waste one second of time on this garbage either. However, I have a daughter who is just entering adulthood and I’m so disgusted by the turn this country has made in terms of lowering the bar lower than ever before regarding who we feel is qualified to vye for it’s leadership. (Don’t for a second construe this as criticism of President Obama, I refer to the “newest” crop.) What kind of world will her children be entering if we allow any of these unhinged know-nothings to be in charge. I feel compelled to try to do something to prevent this from happening.Thanks again Sharon for so eloquently stating how so many of us feel. Be well.

  • themom:

    I do not speak for all media outlets, however, I do know someone who worked for a FOX affiliate as a photog. Once while setting up his gear near a well known landmark in the city for a live shot for an early morning hit, someone statred chatting with him. When he was asked “why are you here in front of __________ for your news show?”. He, in his typical froll humar, stated, “Oh, supposedly some a$$h0l# has been threatening to blow up the ________________. The news desk found out and he was promptly fired.

    My point in this little tale is, it takes very little to join the unemployment line in this business and who knows what they are really covering…the story or their behind.

  • VictoriaJ:

    Rachel Maddow did an amazing segment on Palin refusing to admit she had been found guilty of abuse of power. It was hysterical! Rachel kept reading the charge and marveling at how Palin on video refused to admit she had been found guilty of the ethical breach when reporters confronted her. For me—thats when I realized Sarah Palin was a psychopath.

  • msf:

    I guess I must be a masochist. I wake up each morning and look at the headlines from Huffington Post, TPM & Raw Story & think to myself this entire country has gone mad & I’ve no idea how this growing insanity can be stopped. Sarah Palin is just a symptom of what is wrong. In a different time with a different media when she opened up the annoying mouth of hers she would have been history in a very short time….not now.

  • karenw729:

    I echo your concerns. I frequently tell my husband, “we are a society in decay.” I wonder if the human race has the ability to be better than we collectively and currently are. We were watching the news about Casey Anthony the other day and my husband said, “we seem to be breeding more and more narcissists,” and I immediately thought of $arah and the majority of our politicians. Couple that with the problem of corporate greed, currently teaming up with certain politicians to turn this country into an oligarchy, and I see nothing but continued demise. I feel helpless to do anything about it. I guess these blogs give us some arena for venting and perhaps we can make a small dent in the tide of corruption. As for President Obama, I think he is okay. He’s not perfect, who is, but I think he has a good moral compass, sees the bigger picture, and is willing to take many blows in order to try and do what’s best for us all in the long run.

  • Scorpie:

    There were actually two investigations. The first was the one lead by Branchflower and it did find her guilty of power abuse. The second investigation, which she filed herself, was the one by APOC. She was more or less exonerated(sp,) by that one.

  • missbirdie:

    Yeah, anything under Bristol of Levi’s name can’t be too trusted, but some of the excerpts out there were exaggerated. I will say though that most of the stories, family anecdotes and emotions are accurate esp recent ones. I’d say it’s 85% accurate. But honestly, we don’t know Bristol. We have myspace messages out of context and many conflicting stories told from several people.

    Because each party has lied, there’s no way to know the truth. And it isn’t our business.

  • Lisabeth:

    I understand what you are saying Joe, plus it’s your blog, your rules and I will respect them. I hope it’s ok for me to say that it’s hard to completely ignore them when talking about Sarah.
    Sarah is a master at manipulation, a sociopath. So it is hard to ignore Levi and Bristol in that context. She clearly used them along with everyone else. Look at the photos Gryphen just posted. Something really strange and convoluted is going on and Sarah arranged it all to either cover up something or for her benefit.
    So it’s difficult to not discuss Bristol and Levi when it comes to babygate.

  • MissSunshine:

    Her response to the Branchflower report was the breaking point for me as well. She could have smoothly replied that she was confident that a further investigation would clear her, but she chose to tell an absolute, bare-faced lie. I could not understand her response. I didn’t know why that reporter did not hold her feet to the fire.

    I listened to the Rachel Maddow clip over and over. I found The Mudflats. I learned to laugh at the delusional woman. But really, psychopaths scare me. It’s like they live in an alternate reality in which truth and kindness are negative values.

  • Lisabeth:

    I feel the same way and am very upset about our country, the domionists, the extreme GOP and the media. Our country is in serious danger and if the Democrats don’t get their act together as far as messaging and standing up for progressive values, I fear our society is doomed. The amount of money being spent on elections and power grabbing is obscene. I doubt any country in the world spends as much on elections. Just think of the good that money could do for the people instead of for buying votes!

  • cranberry:

    Who is Gryphen?

  • tom:

    i wish what you said here made sense..could you try again?

  • themom:

    I believe I owe you and Joe an apology for the misdirected post. My intent (albeit with spelling errors) was to state that the choice of story coverage and angle is often OUT of their jurisdiction of the news crew on the scene or back in the edit booth or control room). Personal commentary may bring swift and undesirable results. Your reply makes it obvious it was not the right thread to for that. I am sorry.

  • Molly:

    He blogs at the Immoral Minority.

  • SusanC:

    As far as I know, La Princesse has not yet revealed whether she’ll turn up at the gala premiere of “The Undefecated” next Tuesday in Pella, Iowa. Anyone?

  • jenny:

    Hey! Hey! I am so with you. Bristol Palin is none of our business.

  • VictoriaJ:

    I think what Joe means is she’s inane and boring and he personally doesn’t want bandwidth wasted on his blog talking about her.

  • carollt:

    Good decision Joe. One of Sarah’s many tricks is putting people off the track by putting them onto another track. My dream is to live for six months without hearing Sarah Palin’s name on any news program. The dream will never come true if we get sidetracked.

  • jenny:

    I feel the same way Sharon. I feel it might be time to let this go and then I just get mad again when the insanity of our politicians seems to go from bad to worse.

    Alaska politics are the worst. I know how Sarah Palin came to be where she is because I see how corrupt our political system continues to be in this small state. It truly works like high school, except now we have all the “get rid of government types” and a seemingly large number of people who talk up the “free market” as if it is the holy grail, and then of course the dimwit fundies who continue to make efforts to dominate our school boards.

    Sarah Palin has no idea how the real world works in the lower 48. And nor does she have intellectual capacity to learn how the big picture works. Alaska is a state with enormous natural resources that provides a cash cow economy. She was the governor of a state not in a state of decline but a state with enormous cash reserves. She simply has no idea how other more distressed economies work in other states or countries.

    It sends a chill down my back to remember how close she became to the center of power in this country. I just think it is important we remain vigilant that she or anyone like her doesn’t show up on any ballot ever again.

  • AKPetMom:

    They are both a rather large part of Palin’s narrative regarding her family life; she did trot Levi out on the stage in with McCain during her nomination speech as the “fiance” that would legitimize her daughter’s pregnancy. Then Sarah “wrote” two books that delegitimize Levi, then Bristol “writes” a book that speaks poorly of him, now Levi will “write” a book that tells who knows what. As much as you’d like to have no one speak of these two children on your blog they are very entwined in the “Palin Revisionist Narrative”, and granted, I agree that you’d like no “speculation” and no mention of the teen’s activities, but face it, to ignore them is to ignore a major portion of the “Rebranding of Sarah and her Family”.

  • Susan P:

    Drink more, think less about the Palins. It works. Sorta. . .

  • curious:

    One reason for being there. POTUS is going to be down the road at Bettendorf so I’m sure she’d like to think she could steal his thunder just like she did to the bikers and Mitt. Then again, POTUS is POTUS and as much as she shoots her mouth off and tweets and FB’s while he’s speaking she’s never had the guts to see who can draw a larger crowd. More than that I doubt Fox has her back enough they’d photoshop a hundred thousand people at her event.

    She might also want to consider she quit her bus tour because of jury duty. I’m sure she would spin it somehow, that she managed to fly all night to be there for the opening. The closest large airports are MSP, KC, or Chicago for a large aircraft or Des Moines for a charter. Still she’d be in the air a long time and lose time zones.

    In the end she probably realizes that people going to see POTUS are unlikely to shove him aside to speed three hours over to Pella.

    So my guess is no, unless she thinks the LM hates POTUS so much they’ll flock to her. Narcissists are anything but predictable though.

  • curious:

    Stewart told Wallace the MSM is lazy. He hit it right on the head. The only investigative journalists left are writing blogs or books or both

  • Lisabeth:

    Can anyone fill us in on the grand opening of the movie. Is that a small town in Iowa? Where are they showing it and did they pre-sell tickets? I hope someone can go and report back to us how many showed and what their response was.

    Off topic slightly but someone commented on another blog that Michelle Bachmann is going to be on Face the Nation this Sunday. If Palin does ever enter the race, she is going to have to go on shows like that. How would she get away with not doing it. Although this is Sarah who does what she wants when she wants!

  • curious:

    Pella is a smallish town just east of Des Moines. Most known for Pella windows. It’s hard right wing and a perfect venue since she can draw from the lower half of IA that is home to some of the most rabid TP’ers on the planet. She’s going head up against POTUS who will be speaking to the east of there about two and half hours but I don’t think one will draw from the other…… “Honey, do you want to go see the President or our Next President?”

    Nope, you see Palin you don’t want to see POTUS and vice versa.

    I’m sure we’ll get an update here in MN although they reported on MB and Tpaw speaking in Minneapolis at the right bloggers meeting but didn’t mention the film at all on the evening news. Incidentally, local rag sheet estimated 250 people when the movie started and less than 150 when it ended. People were slipping out right and left

  • msf:

    I agree, but since it’s Joe’s blog it’s his rules, but I think he’s being a bit cranky. I think we would all love them to go away, but unfortunately they are like a bad penny & they keep resurfacing. I wish we could get MSM to follow these rules. Now that would be something.

  • sharon:

    Hey All – I feel a little better after seeing your responses to my comments. I WANT to walk away and stop reading and stop reacting and posting because I think it’s so insane and there’s nothing I can do – so why keep getting angry and outraged over the insanity? But then I realize there’s a whole lot of us feeling the same way and the day we give up, that’s when things will go from really bad to far worse. This is my favorite blog. Joe really is a legend in his field. Love him or hate him, he’s a brilliant writer and has weathered some storms over the years, fought a few battles and was ridiculed, lied about, threatened and bashed..(like what palin did when he moved in next door). but he’s always stood his ground and that’s not easy. But palin was probably more like a “knat” to him. ( I won’t mention the person that gave me the idea for “knat” cause I’ll get in trouble) His life and work reflect integrity and courage…and above all – truth….words that are never used when it comes to palin or the MSM. I have a huge amount of respect for him ..but I think he’s cranky sometimes. 😀

  • Ottoline:

    I don’t think Joe’s ruling is cranky at all — mainly because I agree with him.

    Because the key #1 thing to establish re the Palin Hoax is that she was not pregnant. Once that is clarified, lots of other things can be. But if we never get past where we are now (in terms of acknowledgment of the hoax and accountability for it from MSM and the enablers of it), then discussing any other aspects of or players in the hoax sounds like idle gossiping and not the legitimate teasing apart of the component parts of the hoax of the century.

    I know there’s a circularity to all the interconnecting pieces, but until Palin is clearly nailed for this, and until it’s presented in a way that is widely credible, we don’t really have a legitimate right to comment on the peripheral figures or their zany activities.

  • Ottoline:

    By the way, I love that the last two ads on this site are for Bachmann and Glenn Beck — I love the idea that when we click on one of them, some money goes from their pocket to yours, Joe. I think I’ll go click on an ad right now. Someday, I hope you will tell us how much money you make on them. I hope it’s a lot.

  • Jaguar:

    Thanks, Joe!
    I’m not into minor parasites like gnats and fleas, the main parasite I’m interested in is Sarah Palin.

  • msf:

    The problem is that if she wasn’t pregnant who was & that’s where it’s difficult to leave Bristol & Levi out of the puzzle. The hoax can’t be solved without including them. They appear to be active participants.

  • carollt:

    A couple of news outlets (The Fix – Washington Post and a wire service) are reporting that Sarah and Todd will attend the opening of her propaganda film in Pella, Iowa on June 28, 2011.

    We’ll see if she goes. She probably has to in order to ensure a full house. Of course, after the show is sold out, she can always cancel at the last minute – jury duty or something.

  • lilly lily:

    It’s Joe’s blog, his rules.

    As I have always a tendancy to go off topic, to follow my own train of thought it is likely I’ll post very little on this blog. I don’t like to be fenced in on my range of thought.

    Have my own rules to follow, and that is to express whatever I want, how I want and about who I want.

    I do respect his domain and his ideas on the subject, and since it is Joe’s blog I’ll post my thoughts on Bristol and Levi elsewhere.

    Dull as they are, these two are part of the puzzle. To see the whole of the jig saw puzzle picture you have to keep an eye on these two and on their antics. There are a whole lot of missing pieces that will never be found. It is up to us to try and find them. Bristol knows. Levi knows and their words, blah as they are mean something, even the lies and evasions.

  • Joe:

    So far, I’m told, I’ve made twenty four dollars from ads. At that rate, in about two years I may recoup the cost of setting up the website. It’s funny how they work: what you see is based on Google’s assessment of what would interest you, based on sites you visit and searches you make. So you see a Bachmann ad, where someone else might see an ad for bridal gowns and I myself most often see ads for how I can look up someone’s criminal records. Although just now I saw an ad for Glenn Beck. I might click on that one to give myself a penny.


  • Joe:

    I’m not cranky nearly as often as I should be. Or nearly as often as I used to be. Should I worry?


  • grammy97:

    @ msf, the hoax only needs to be prove, not “solved”. If $arah Palin wasn’t pregnant, then the question of who is TriG’s mother is a separate question. In order to deflate $arah’s fancy flight, we only need to prove that she was not pregnant. “We” is a multitude of people. But with enough public support, we can hope that some individual in the medical community, or some law enforcement person, will produce documented proof that $arah did indeed have her fallopian tubes cut and cauterized after Piper’s birth. After that? Anyone who chooses can spend all their time wondering who carried and gave birth to TriG.

  • KarenJ:

    “She was the governor of a state not in a state of decline but a state with enormous cash reserves. She simply has no idea how other more distressed economies work in other states or countries.”

    Then, dammit, why was it in 2005 Alaska received from the federal government nearly twice what it/its citizens paid the federal government in taxes? Why was it #3 on the list, instead of #25 or #40?

    That’s more of a rhetorical question, Jenny; I’m not asking you.

    But wait… since you’re an Alaskan, maybe you can help me understand why it’s “fair” that the state of Alaska — therefore the people of Alaska, via their PFD — reap 100% of the oil company taxes, when so much of the drilling is offshore or on federal land? There’s a huge chunk of Alaska, 23.5 million acres, that’s called the “National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska” (I’m focussing on the word “National”…) “About 87 percent of the petroleum reserve has previously been available for drilling. The Sept. 27, 2006 lease sale… [boosted] that to 95 percent.”

  • msf:

    Think you’re right Lilly-lilly. Same reason I left Mudflats.

  • tom:

    no… need to apologize.

    i just couldnt follow what you were saying and thought you left words out..or something.


  • Ottoline:

    granny97, I agree. When I tell newbies about the hoax, their first question is “then who gave birth to Trig?” But it’s not about Trig or any other member of Palin’s family (except insofar as Palin herself has involved her family members in it — but the rest of us can resist that if we choose). It’s about Palin and her big lie. HER hoax. All the rest is interesting background and will undoubtedly will be discussed in an effort to understand the logistics of the hoax, the motivation for it, the interrelationships of all the players (including big money and the religious right) we have unfortunately come to know all too well, and what it has meant for our national dialogue.

    So now we must concentrate on the central point: A Vice Presidential candidate hoaxed a nation re her creds for political gain. She used an innocent disabled child to do so. She was enabled by the GOP and others, including the MSM. And the MSM never told us a thing about this hoax of the century, and instead nattered away about plastic surgery, clothes, teen problems, and the sexual pecadillos of minor politicians. Palin has already been documented ad nauseum as being a skilled, compulsive liar (and Joe’s book will surely present new info on that, as well as some surprises) yet the MSM does not question her story (and hers alone, for there is no other key supporting data re Palin giving birth except a probably forged medical letter from an MD who has NEVER otherwise spoken publicly [but has been quoted extensively by liar-of-the-decade Palin]) on this centerpiece issue that is a perfect symbol of the gazillion other lies.

    Sorry for the rant: The Palin Hoax is about Palin alone. It is about Palin’s willful acts. All the rest does not change this and often serves as a distraction from it. The rest of it interested us as we flailed about, trying to understand this hideous tale, and now we do. Further detail might interest some; it might not interest others. But the fact of the hoax and the fact of the enablers is a major shame upon our system and it stands alone, once proved and documented without doubt.

  • lilybart:

    Her mother had more than a hand in this book. Why would Bristol want to retell the Trooper Wooten lies? Does she really care? Why would she compare ratings on DWTS to Olbermans program? Does she even remotely know who he is?

    only one sex partner ever…..that is Mrs. Todd Palin revising history and current events…..

  • lilybart:

    Yes! A follow-up question or two and she is done.

  • lilybart:

    Bristol just told us all about her sex life, so she WANTS her life to be our business, she is making her life HER actual business.

    Mrs. Todd Palin made all her kids lives our business.

  • Elizabeth44:

    I disagree that Alaska is the worst. I think Alaska has plenty of company; its just that many of us are getting to know Alaska politics better than some other states.

  • Elizabeth44:

    Sounds to me like you speak for a lot of us. My husband and I obviously aren’t the only ones talking about the state of our country. We don’t know where to start either. I don’t think it is just the Progressives either. We, the Progressives, are concerned about the social justice issues, but I think the true Conservatives join us in the issues of the economy and politics. There appear to be a lot of us who are not being represented in the general discussion in this country. The Media has failed us all.

  • Elizabeth44:

    Hi Lisabeth, we seem to share more than similar names, I’ve noticed. Its the money that really upsets me. We are cutting back on Education which is our country’s future and the politicians are projected to spend more than a trillion on the 2012 election. Obscene!

  • Elizabeth44:

    Last I heard, its at the Opera House, and the tickets are free. There will be food afterwards. I’m not so sure that Pella is Sarah’s kind of people. The area was settled by Dutch Reformed farmers. Yes, these folk are conservative, but I don’t think they’ll go for Sarah’s redneck, trashy kind of conservative. These tend to be educated, hard-working folk.

  • Elizabeth44:

    I’d click on them to give you a penny or two, but I wonder if my clicking gives them a false sense of grandeur.

  • sharon:

    Wonder if she’ll bring any of the human props? Perfect time for photo ops and spin, spin, spin…. bet she’s got visions of awards and stunning reviews and thunderous applause. Oh, the glory! Her outstretched arms with bursts of sunbeams shooting from her head and the masses screaming her name. Sometimes I feel like I’m stuck in a bad disney movie like Matt Damon talked about….. like the movie – 1001 dalmations

  • msf:

    Yep…it’s important for you not to seem imperious & discredit the rest of us who have followed this god awful saga because we care about our country.

  • Ottoline:

    I clicked on the Prius Plug-In ad with no reservations at all.

  • Heh-heh — “doings”.

  • […] has disturbed me about the majority of comments made in response to my previous post is the irrational hatred of the Palins and the borderline […]